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1920s New York
Audubon Watercolors
The Course of Empire Series
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532 Items Found | Page 1 of 23
Thomas Cole
The Course of Empire: Destruction, 1836
Everett Shinn
New York at Night, 1933
Childe Hassam
The Fourth of July, 1916 (The Greatest Display of the American Flag Ever Seen in New York, Climax of the Preparedness Parade in May), 1916
Colin Campbell Cooper
Hudson River Waterfront, New York City, after 1913
William Holbrook Beard
The Bulls and the Bears in the Market, 1879
Unknown Cartographer
"The Duke's Plan" A Description of the Towne of Mannados: Or New Amsterdam as it was in September 1661, 1664
Unknown Photographer
Grand Central Terminal, ca. 1930s
Georgia O'Keeffe
Study for "Brooklyn Bridge," 1949
Stuart Davis
New York Skyline, 1938
John Wolcott Adams
Redraft of the Castello Plan, New Amsterdam as it appeared in 1660, 1916
Irving Browning
Chrysler Building, Upper Stories and Spire, ca. 1920-38
John James Audubon
Carolina Parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis), Havell plate no. 26, c. 1825
Robert Henri
Snow in Central Park, 1902
William Holbrook Beard
The Bear Dance, 1870
Theresa Bernstein
The Lunch Counter at S. Klein's in Union Square in the 1930s, ca. 1930-39
Thomas Satterwhite Noble
John Brown, 1867
Andreas Feininger
On the Staten Island Ferry, Approaching Downtown Manhattan, ca. 1940s
Charles Willson Peale
The Peale Family, 1773-1809
Thomas Cole
The Course of Empire: The Consummation of Empire, ca.1835 – 1836
Andreas Feininger
Brooklyn Bridge, Panoramic View with Manhattan Skyline, ca. 1940s
Charles Hoffbauer
A Rainy Night in New York, 1950
Tavik Frantisek Simon
New York - Brooklyn Bridge, 1927
Albert Bierstadt
Autumn Woods, Oneida County, State of New York, 1886
F. Bartoli
Ki On Twog Ky (also known as Cornplanter), 1732/40-1836