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New York City Maps
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Early 20th Century
New York City Maps
24 Items Found
Unknown Cartographer
"The Duke's Plan" A Description of the Towne of Mannados: Or New Amsterdam as it was in September 1661, 1664
John Wolcott Adams
Redraft of the Castello Plan, New Amsterdam as it appeared in 1660, 1916
Francis Maerschalck
A Plan of the City of New York from an actual Survey Anno Domini - M, DCC, IV, 1754 (N-YHS)
John Randel, Jr.
Commissioner Plan, A Map of the City of New York, 1811
Gaylord Watson
Map of New York and Adjacent Cities, 1874
New York Common Council
Plan of the City of New York, copied from the Ratzer Map of 1770
William Williams
Cities of New-York and Brooklyn, 1847
New York Common Council
Map of the City of New York showing original high water line and the location of different Farms and Estates, 1853
Matthew Dripps
City of New York Extending Northward to 50th St., 1852
New York Central Railroad Company
Heart of New York, 1918
United States Coast Survey
Coast Chart No. 20 New York Bay and Harbor, New York, 1866
Sidney E. Morse
New York and Vicinity, 1845
United States Coast Survey
Map of New York Bay and Harbor and The Environs, 1844
David Grim
A Plan of the City and Environs of New-York as they were in the Years 1742, 1743 and 1744, 1813
Joan Vinckeboons
Map of New York City Region - Manatvs gelegen op de Noot Riuier, 1639
Townsend MacCoun
1609; The Island of Manhattan, at the time of its discovery, showing its elevations, water-courses and shore-line, 1909 (N-YHS)
Egbert L. Viele
Topographical map of New York, showing watercourses and made land, 1865
Bernard Ratzer
Plan of the City of New York, 1770
John McComb, Jr.
“Plan of the City of New York,” The New-York Directory and Register for the Year 1789
Matthew Dripps
City and County of New York North of 50th St., 1851
Samuel Augustus Mitchell
City of New York, 1846
Egbert L. Viele
Sanitary & Topographical Map of the City and Island of New York, 1865
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
New York, Plan, 1844
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
New York, NY, 1840